Charcoal illustration of a zebra from the neck up on a black background


A showcase of traditional charcoal and pencil illustrations with a variety of subjects.

March 2021

General Background

Once constant through line throughout my life has been an interest in visual arts, which I’ve continued to foster into a hobby of traditional illustration covering a variety of mediums. While not pursuing this as a profession, I still highly value my skills and use physical mediums as a creative outlet to capture various moments throughout my life.

Keeya Portrait

Beginning in 2018, I volunteered at the Dallas Zoo, helping to care for a range of mammals and birds. More specifically, I worked closely with our large mammals department, providing regular care and habitat maintenance for our Giraffe, Greater Kudu, and Zebras. Over time, I grew to love the animals I cared for and appreciated the many things I was able to learn through caring for them.

During early 2021, Keeya, a female zebra under our care, unfortunately passed. Having cared for her for nearly 3 years, I was heavily hit by her death, and wanted to not only work through my emotions, but also memorialize her for my fellow keepers and keeper aides. In the days following, I worked to produce the portrait below, ultimately donating it to the barn where she lived.

description of this image
Shown above is the completed illustration alongside several WIPs and the reference material.

Additional Studies

Beyond passion projects like this, I’ve also refined my artistic skills with a number of formal studies, ranging from figure drawing to still-life. While at the University of Texas at Dallas, I engaged in several illustration courses to help refine these skills, focusing on realism and composition.

The above illustrations showcase a still-life study, a Vesalius anatomy recreation, and a partially completed figure drawing portrait.